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Spots Global Cancer Trial Database for internal radiation therapy

Every month we try and update this database with for internal radiation therapy cancer trials from around the world to help patients and their families find trials that might be right for them.
We offer this 100% free of charge and do not endorse any of the trials listed here, we hope it helps you or a loved one.

The following info and data is provided "as is" to help patients around the globe.
We do not endorse or review these studies in any way.

Study titleNCT IDConditionsInterventionsEligibilityOrganizationLink
Radiation Therapy and Cisplatin With or Without Epoetin Alfa in Treating Patients With Cervical Cancer and AnemiaNCT00017004
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Drug Toxicity
Radiation Toxic...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
Epoetin Alfa
- GOG Foundation
Bevacizumab, Radiation Therapy, and Cisplatin in Treating Patients With Previously Untreated Locally Advanced Cervical CancerNCT00369122
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Stage IB Cervic...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Radiation Therapy and Cisplatin With or Without Epoetin Alfa in Treating Patients With Cervical Cancer and AnemiaNCT00017004
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Drug Toxicity
Radiation Toxic...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
Epoetin Alfa
- GOG Foundation
Radiation Therapy and Cisplatin With or Without Epoetin Alfa in Treating Patients With Cervical Cancer and AnemiaNCT00017004
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Drug Toxicity
Radiation Toxic...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
Epoetin Alfa
- GOG Foundation
Chemoradiation Therapy and Ipilimumab in Treating Patients With Stages IB2-IIB or IIIB-IVA Cervical CancerNCT01711515
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Stage IB2 Cervi...
Stage II Cervic...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage IIIB Cerv...
Stage IVA Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
Laboratory Biom...
18 Years - National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Bevacizumab, Radiation Therapy, and Cisplatin in Treating Patients With Previously Untreated Locally Advanced Cervical CancerNCT00369122
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Stage IB Cervic...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
- National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Phase II Clinical Trial of Concurrent Chemoradiotherapy Combined Nimotuzumab for Stage IIB-IVA Cervical CancerNCT02705612
Cervical Cancer
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
18 Years - 70 YearsAir Force Military Medical University, China
MRI-Guided Brachytherapy in Treating Participants With HPV-Associated Stage IB2-IVA Cervical or Stage II-IVA Vaginal CancerNCT03634267
Human Papilloma...
Human Papilloma...
Stage IB2 Cervi...
Stage II Cervic...
Stage II Vagina...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIA Vagin...
Stage IIA1 Cerv...
Stage IIA2 Cerv...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage IIB Vagin...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage III Vagin...
Stage IIIA Cerv...
Stage IIIB Cerv...
Stage IVA Cervi...
Stage IVA Vagin...
Internal Radiat...
Magnetic Resona...
18 Years - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Radiation Therapy Plus Cisplatin and Gemcitabine in Treating Patients With Cervical CancerNCT00068549
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Small ...
Cervical Squamo...
Stage IB Cervic...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
Gemcitabine Hyd...
Radiation Thera...
Internal Radiat...
- GOG Foundation
Internal Radiation Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinomas With Therasphere: Optimized Dosimetry Versus Standard DosimetryNCT02582034
Adenoma, Liver ...
Optimized Inter...
Standard Intern...
- Center Eugene Marquis
Cetuximab, Cisplatin, and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Stage IB, Stage II, Stage III, or Stage IVA Cervical CancerNCT00104910
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Small ...
Cervical Squamo...
Stage IB Cervic...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
Internal Radiat...
3-Dimensional C...
18 Years - GOG Foundation
Radiation Therapy and Cisplatin With or Without Epoetin Alfa in Treating Patients With Cervical Cancer and AnemiaNCT00017004
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Squamo...
Drug Toxicity
Radiation Toxic...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
External Beam R...
Internal Radiat...
Epoetin Alfa
- GOG Foundation
Radiation Therapy Plus Cisplatin and Gemcitabine in Treating Patients With Cervical CancerNCT00068549
Cervical Adenoc...
Cervical Adenos...
Cervical Small ...
Cervical Squamo...
Stage IB Cervic...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage IVA Cervi...
Gemcitabine Hyd...
Radiation Thera...
Internal Radiat...
- GOG Foundation
MRI-Guided Brachytherapy in Treating Participants With HPV-Associated Stage IB2-IVA Cervical or Stage II-IVA Vaginal CancerNCT03634267
Human Papilloma...
Human Papilloma...
Stage IB2 Cervi...
Stage II Cervic...
Stage II Vagina...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIA Vagin...
Stage IIA1 Cerv...
Stage IIA2 Cerv...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage IIB Vagin...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage III Vagin...
Stage IIIA Cerv...
Stage IIIB Cerv...
Stage IVA Cervi...
Stage IVA Vagin...
Internal Radiat...
Magnetic Resona...
18 Years - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Gemcitabine Hydrochloride, Docetaxel, and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Uterine Sarcoma That Has Been Removed By SurgeryNCT01958580
Stage IA Uterin...
Stage IB Uterin...
Stage IC Uterin...
Stage IIA Uteri...
Stage IIB Uteri...
Stage IIIA Uter...
Stage IIIB Uter...
Stage IIIC Uter...
Stage IVA Uteri...
Stage IVB Uteri...
Uterine Corpus ...
Gemcitabine Hyd...
Internal Radiat...
External Beam R...
Laboratory Biom...
18 Years - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Radiation Therapy, Paclitaxel, and Carboplatin in Treating Patients With High-Risk Endometrial CancerNCT01041027
Endometrial Ade...
Stage IA Uterin...
Stage IB Uterin...
Stage II Uterin...
Stage IIIA Uter...
Stage IIIB Uter...
Stage IIIC Uter...
Stage IVA Uteri...
Stage IVB Uteri...
Internal Radiat...
External Beam R...
Laboratory Biom...
18 Years - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
High-Dose Brachytherapy in Treating Patients With Prostate CancerNCT02346253
Prostate Adenoc...
Stage I Prostat...
Stage IIA Prost...
Stage IIB Prost...
Stage III Prost...
Internal Radiat...
Leuprolide Acet...
Goserelin Aceta...
Triptorelin Pam...
Laboratory Biom...
- Stanford University
Pelvic Radiation Therapy or Vaginal Implant Radiation Therapy, Paclitaxel, and Carboplatin in Treating Patients With High-Risk Stage I or Stage II Endometrial CancerNCT00807768
Endometrial Cle...
Endometrial Ser...
Neurotoxicity S...
Stage I Uterine...
Stage II Uterin...
3-Dimensional C...
Internal Radiat...
Laboratory Biom...
Questionnaire A...
18 Years - GOG Foundation
Gemcitabine Hydrochloride, Docetaxel, and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Uterine Sarcoma That Has Been Removed By SurgeryNCT01958580
Stage IA Uterin...
Stage IB Uterin...
Stage IC Uterin...
Stage IIA Uteri...
Stage IIB Uteri...
Stage IIIA Uter...
Stage IIIB Uter...
Stage IIIC Uter...
Stage IVA Uteri...
Stage IVB Uteri...
Uterine Corpus ...
Gemcitabine Hyd...
Internal Radiat...
External Beam R...
Laboratory Biom...
18 Years - Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Carboplatin and Paclitaxel With or Without Cisplatin and Radiation Therapy in Treating Patients With Stage I, Stage II, Stage III, or Stage IVA Endometrial CancerNCT00942357
Endometrial Cle...
Endometrial Ser...
Stage IA Uterin...
Stage IB Uterin...
Stage II Uterin...
Stage IIIA Uter...
Stage IIIB Uter...
Stage IIIC Uter...
Stage IVA Uteri...
Internal Radiat...
Radiation Thera...
18 Years - GOG Foundation
Radiation Therapy With or Without Cisplatin in Treating Patients With Recurrent Endometrial CancerNCT00492778
Endometrial End...
Endometrial Muc...
Endometrial Squ...
Recurrent Endom...
Recurrent Endom...
Recurrent Endom...
Recurrent Endom...
Recurrent Uteri...
3-Dimensional C...
Internal Radiat...
- GOG Foundation
MRI-Guided Brachytherapy in Treating Participants With HPV-Associated Stage IB2-IVA Cervical or Stage II-IVA Vaginal CancerNCT03634267
Human Papilloma...
Human Papilloma...
Stage IB2 Cervi...
Stage II Cervic...
Stage II Vagina...
Stage IIA Cervi...
Stage IIA Vagin...
Stage IIA1 Cerv...
Stage IIA2 Cerv...
Stage IIB Cervi...
Stage IIB Vagin...
Stage III Cervi...
Stage III Vagin...
Stage IIIA Cerv...
Stage IIIB Cerv...
Stage IVA Cervi...
Stage IVA Vagin...
Internal Radiat...
Magnetic Resona...
18 Years - M.D. Anderson Cancer Center

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