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Spots Global Cancer Trial Database for Cognitive Intervention After a Brain Tumor

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Trial Identification

Brief Title: Cognitive Intervention After a Brain Tumor

Official Title: Cognitive Intervention After a Brain Tumor

Study ID: NCT02489071


Brain Tumors

Study Description

Brief Summary: This study evaluates the feasibility and utility of two behavioural programs designed to reduce cognitive impairments secondary to brain tumors and/or their treatment. One-third of participants will complete training in either program, with the remaining third a wait-list control group.

Detailed Description: Cognitive impairments (including problems with attention, memory or executive functions) are common in people with brain tumors, as a result of the disease and/or treatment effects. These deficits, even when relatively mild, can interfere with interpersonal relationships, occupational activities, functional independence, and quality of life. They may also contribute to caregiver burden. Building on research in other cognitively-impaired populations, in this study we compare two behavioural interventions. The Brain Training (BT) and Brain Health (BH) interventions each offer a structured yet client-centered program through 8 weekly individual treatment sessions and between-session exercises. Contents include mindfulness practice, strategy training, and supportive psychoeducation including counseling around lifestyle factors to promote brain functioning. Using a prospective randomized controlled design, 54 brain tumor patients are being enrolled in one of three study arms: BT, BH, or standard care (wait-list control). A battery of outcome measures is being administered (1) prior to intervention, (2) after the 8-week behavioural intervention (or wait-list) period, and (3) after an additional 4 months to evaluate longer-term outcomes. Analyses of variance will examine treatment effects, with regression analyses to explore moderating effects of participant demographics, severity of baseline cognitive impairment, and tumor and treatment factors (e.g., tumor location, radiation dose and distribution). Results of this trial will lay the groundwork for implementation of evidence-based supportive care to reduce and manage cognitive impairments following a brain tumor.



Minimum Age: 18 Years


Sex: ALL

Healthy Volunteers: No


Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Contact Details

Name: Kim Edelstein, PhD

Affiliation: Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network


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