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Brief Title: Wait Time Preferences of the US Public for New Drugs: a Discrete Choice Experiment
Official Title: Wait Time Preferences of the US Public for New Drugs With Uncertain Treatment Benefits: a Discrete Choice Experiment
Study ID: NCT05936632
Brief Summary: To provide timely access to new treatments, some eligible drugs can be approved despite uncertainty surrounding the level of clinical benefit they offer patients. It is not currently known if (and under which circumstances) the public would prefer to wait to access some new drugs in exchange for greater certainty surrounding their clinical benefit. This study aims to elicit the preferences of the US public for wait times and clinical uncertainty of new drugs. To elicit this information, in a survey format, respondents will be presented with a hypothetical scenario and asked to state their preferences for new treatments, each with different attributes.
Detailed Description:
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Sex: ALL
Healthy Volunteers: Yes
London School of Economics, London, , United Kingdom