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Brief Title: 3T MRI to Predict TACE Response of HCC
Official Title: Combination of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced and Diffusion-weighted Imaging and Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in 3T MRI to Early Predict Treatment Efficacy in Patients Receiving Transarterial Chemoembolization for Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Study ID: NCT02070822
Brief Summary: This study is a prospective clinical study using DCE-MRI, DWI and MRS in 3T scanner to evaluate tumors in patients with unresectable HCC after TACE. A total of 100 subjects will be recruited. MRI will be performed before TACE (day 0), day 14, and day 28 to assess the tumor responses. After day 28, all subjects will receive standard clinical care and be follow-up for 1 year. The imaging parameters will be compared among each MRI and correlate with patients' outcome. The investigators hypothesis that it might be helpful to combine DCE-MRI, DWI, and MRS for assessment of tumor response after TACE and predict patients' prognosis.
Detailed Description: Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is a non-invasive quantitative technique for assessing micro-vascular structure by tracking the pharmacokinetics of injected low-molecular weight contrast agents as they pass through the tumor vasculature. This modality is being increasingly used in many oncological studies to characterize tumor angiogenesis and invasiveness, and monitor the treatment response. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) enables qualitative and quantitative assessment of tissue diffusivity (apparent diffusion coefficient, ADC) without the use of gadolinium chelates. DWI has been suggested to be useful in monitoring the response of HCC after TACE because of earlier assessment of tumor necrosis with increasing ADC values. MR spectroscopy facilitates the study of cellular metabolism and in vivo detection of abnormalities. A few studies of in vivo MR spectroscopy reported an increase in choline levels within tumors such as HCC and a reduction in the lipid-to-choline ratio after conventional TACE was performed for HCC.
Minimum Age: 20 Years
Sex: ALL
Healthy Volunteers: No
National Taiwan Uinversity Hospital, Taipei, , Taiwan
Name: Bang-Bin Chen, MD
Affiliation: National Taiwan Uinversity Hospital