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Brief Title: a SIngle Center Study of Post-operative STEReotactic RAdiotherapY for Endometrial Cancer
Official Title: a SIngle Center Study of Post-operative STEReotactic RAdiotherapY for Endometrial Cancer (SISTER-RAY)
Study ID: NCT06360653
Brief Summary: The primary endpoint of the present prospective study is to assess the outcomes in terms of acute toxicity of post-operative stereotactic radiotherapy for endometrial cancer
Detailed Description: Endometrial cancer represents the sixth global female cancer, and adjuvant radiotherapy has a main role in the management of these patients. This treatment usually covers the surgical bed, the upper portion of the vagina and the pelvic lymph nodes. In the last decades, the technological progress has allowed clinicians to offer a more accurate planning and delivery of the treatment with modern IMRT-IGRT techniques. Nonetheless, radiotherapy regimens were still based on 25-30 fractions schedules. More recently, similarly to other oncological settings like prostate, breast or rectal cancer, 5-fractions schedules have been considered as potentially useful also in this setting. On this purpose, this study aims to investigate the feasibility of a shorter adjuvant radiotherapy treatment for endometrial cancer, by assessing acute and late toxicity, quality of life and clinical outcomes.
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Healthy Volunteers: No
ARNAS Civico Hospital, Palermo, PA, Italy