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Brief Title: Educate and Improve Underserved Populations' Uptake and Completion of the HPV Vaccine
Official Title: Intervention to Educate and Improve Underserved Populations' Uptake and Completion of the HPV Vaccine Series
Study ID: NCT04611022
Brief Summary: The educational intervention to be delivered by the CHE(Community Health Educator) consists of "toolkit education materials" developed by the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and a small media intervention (i.e., video) that our research team has developed. The NCI-produced toolkit education materials consist of Power Point presentations, flyers, and posters that contain information about HPV(Human Papilloma Virus), HPV-related cancers, and the importance of the HPV vaccine series for adolescents (9-17 years old) and young adults (18-26 year old) who are eligible for the vaccine.
Detailed Description: The investigator will use a one-group pre- and post-test design to assess the effects of the intervention on the primary outcomes. The educational intervention will be delivered to 200 participants by a trained CHE who will conduct educational workshops to deliver the educational materials at DHHA outpatient clinics. The CHE will administer the pre- and post-intervention survey to workshop participants. The follow-up survey will occur over the phone at 3 months post baseline only for parent participants that indicate having unvaccinated children or are a young adult participant and indicated not being vaccinated at baseline. The last follow up survey will occur over the phone at 6 months only for those parent participants that indicated having unvaccinated children at the 3 month follow up call, or are a young adult participant and indicated not being vaccinated at the 3 month follow up call. Additionally, the investigator will use a one-group post-test design to assess the impact of the intervention on the secondary outcomes. At the patient-level, the investigator will track participants that receive (a) 1st dose, 2nd dose, or 3rd dose of the HPV vaccine; and the number of referrals to care by recording the number of patients received (b) referrals to health insurance, discount or no-cost HPV vaccine programs; or (c) to other services to facilitate HPV vaccine dose completion. To assess clinic-level impact, the investigator will track each clinic's HPV vaccine rates for adolescents (9-17 years old) and young adults (18-26), and compare rates from before the investigator started the intervention and then quarterly there after the investigator had introduced the intervention to each respective Denver Health clinic.
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Sex: ALL
Healthy Volunteers: Yes
University of Colorado Hospital, Denver, Colorado, United States
Name: Evelinn Borrayo
Affiliation: University of Colorado, Denver