The following info and data is provided "as is" to help patients around the globe.
We do not endorse or review these studies in any way.
Brief Title: Lenvatinib Plus Sintilimab in Patients With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Previously Treated Advanced Liver Cancer
Official Title: A Phase II Study of Lenvatinib Plus Sintilimab in Patients With Immune Checkpoint Inhibitor Previously Treated Advanced Liver Cancer
Study ID: NCT05010681
Brief Summary: The objective of this study is to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Lenvatinib plus Sintilimab in patients with advanced liver cancer progressed after treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors.
Detailed Description: There is a need for options to address progressed liver cancer after the treatment of immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs). Sintilimab and lenvatinib are active as monotherapies liver cancer; Therefore, our aim was to evaluate the efficacy of lenvatinib combined with sintilimab in the treatment of these patients.
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Sex: ALL
Healthy Volunteers: No
Fudan University Shanghai Cancer Center, Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Name: Peng Wang, MD
Affiliation: Fudan University