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Brief Title: High Intensity Functional Image Guided Vmat Lung Evasion
Official Title: High Intensity Functional Image Guided Vmat Lung Evasion
Study ID: NCT03569072
Brief Summary: This study is being performed to assess the feasibility of adapting radiotherapy plans based on functional lung information and increasing the dose to the primary tumour. This is a single arm interventional pilot study involving 20 patients. Aims Primary: to assess the feasibility of using ventilation and perfusion positron emission computed tomography (V/Q PET/CT) scans to adapt radiotherapy plans using Volumetric Modulated Arc Therapy (VMAT) to avoid regions of functional lung and deliver a higher dose to the primary tumour Secondary: to assess the incidence of acute and late radiotherapy toxicities, to quantify regional ventilation loss and regional perfusion loss on post treatment V/Q PET/CT, to assess associations of V/Q PET/CT with other functional lung imaging techniques, to assess overall survival, progression free survival and quality of life outcomes. Participants: 20 patients stage IIIa-c non-small cell lung cancer for curative intent radiotherapy. Methods: All patients will receive functional lung adapted 60 Gray (Gy) in 30 fractions to the primary and nodal planning target volume with a simultaneous integrated boost to the primary tumour to a total dose 69Gy in 30 fractions. Expected outcomes: That functionally adapted lung radiotherapy using V/Q PET/CT imaging and VMAT planning is technically feasible.
Detailed Description:
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Sex: ALL
Healthy Volunteers: No
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Name: Nicholas W Bucknell, MBBS (hons)
Affiliation: Peter Mac Callum Cancer Centre