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Spots Global Cancer Trial Database for A Phase 1b/2 Study of AMG 655 in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin for the First-Line Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

The following info and data is provided "as is" to help patients around the globe.
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Trial Identification

Brief Title: A Phase 1b/2 Study of AMG 655 in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin for the First-Line Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Official Title: A Phase 1b/2 Study of AMG 655 in Combination With Paclitaxel and Carboplatin for the First-Line Treatment of Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

Study ID: NCT00534027

Study Description

Brief Summary: Part 1 is complete. Part 2 is a multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 2 segment that will commence upon identification of the maximum tolerated dose in part 1. The Primary objective of Part 2 of the study is to estimate efficacy in combination with carboplatin and paclitaxel. Subjects will be randomized at a 1:1:1 ratio to 1 of 3 treatment arms. Subjects in each of the 3 arms will receive up to 6 cycles of paclitaxel/carboplatin (at the same dose and schedule in part 1) in combination with either AMG 655 at the maximum tolerated dose (Arm 1), AMG 655 at a lower dose (Arm 2), or AMG 655 placebo (Arm 3) IV Q3W. Randomization will be stratified by ECOG (0 or 1) and disease stage (IIIb or IV/recurrent).

Detailed Description:


Minimum Age: 18 Years


Sex: ALL

Healthy Volunteers: No


Contact Details

Name: MD

Affiliation: Amgen


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