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Brief Title: Telephone-Based Intervention in Increasing Adherence to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy in Patients With Breast Cancer
Official Title: Increasing Adherence to Adjuvant Hormonal Therapy Among Breast Cancer Patients: Phase 2 - Pilot Test of Intervention for Feasibility
Study ID: NCT02400060
Brief Summary: This pilot trial studies a telephone-based intervention to see if it increases adherence to adjuvant hormonal therapy in patients with breast cancer. Increasing communication between doctors and patients with breast cancer may help patients to better follow recommendations on taking adjuvant hormonal treatment medication. A telephone-based intervention may help to increase doctor-patient communication and patients' adherence to their prescribed medication.
Detailed Description: PRIMARY OBJECTIVES: I. Pilot test intervention effects on adherence to adjuvant hormonal therapy (AHT) and explore trends in the adherence outcomes by demographic and psychosocial factors defined as acceptance, continuation, and adherence. SECONDARY OBJECTIVES: I. Feasibility of study design defined as recruitment rate, rate of using intervention as instructed, rate of protocol completion, and completion of psycho-social questionnaires which have been associated with adherence to AHT in the existing literature (i.e., depression, social support, pain, stress, fatigue, quality of life, pill taking attitude and behavior, perceived risk of breast cancer recurrence). TERTIARY OBJECTIVES: I. Surveying patients and physicians regarding their comments on the intervention components (i.e., video, text messaging, and app \[application\]) and overall study participation. OUTLINE: Patients receive daily text messages reminding them to take AHT and weekly interactive surveys delivered by a smart phone app for 3 months.
Minimum Age: 18 Years
Healthy Volunteers: No
Southeastern Medical Oncology Center-Goldsboro, Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States
Comprehensive Cancer Center of Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, United States
Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, Ohio, United States
Fletcher Allen Health Care-Medical Center, Burlington, Vermont, United States
Name: Michelle Naughton, PhD, MPH
Affiliation: Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center