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Spots Global Cancer Trial Database for Durvalumab and Consolidation SBRT Following Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung

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Trial Identification

Brief Title: Durvalumab and Consolidation SBRT Following Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung

Official Title: Durvalumab and Consolidation SBRT Following Chemoradiation for Locally Advanced Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung

Study ID: NCT03589547



Study Description

Brief Summary: Durvalumab is a drug that stimulates the immune system to fight lung cancer. Durvalumab is FDA approved to treat lung cancer. Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) is a newer radiation treatment that gives fewer, but higher doses of radiation than standard radiation. With SBRT, radiation is focused toward the cancer and away from normal surrounding lung tissue. It is possible that when cancer cells are damaged by SBRT Durvalumab may be more effective in activating the immune system. SBRT is a standard FDA approved treatment for early stage (stage 1) lung cancer and is investigational in patients such as yourself with stage 3 lung cancer. The combination of Durvalumab and SBRT is investigational. This study will investigate the effects, good and bad, of the combination of Durvalumab and SBRT.

Detailed Description:


Minimum Age: 18 Years


Sex: ALL

Healthy Volunteers: No


Rhode Island Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

The Miriam Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island, United States

Contact Details

Name: Hina Khan, MD

Affiliation: Brown University Oncology Research Group (BrUOG) & Lifespan Cancer Institute


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