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Spots Global Cancer Trial Database for KN046 (a Humanized PD-L1/CTLA4 Bispecific Single Domain Fc Fusion Protein Antibody) in Subjects With Thymic Carcinoma

The following info and data is provided "as is" to help patients around the globe.
We do not endorse or review these studies in any way.

Trial Identification

Brief Title: KN046 (a Humanized PD-L1/CTLA4 Bispecific Single Domain Fc Fusion Protein Antibody) in Subjects With Thymic Carcinoma

Official Title: A Phase 2, Open-Label, Multi-Center Study to Evaluate Efficacy, Safety and Tolerability of KN046 in Subjects With Thymic Carcinoma

Study ID: NCT04469725



Study Description

Brief Summary: This is a Phase 2, open-label, multi-center, single arm study in subjects with advanced thymic carcinoma after failure of platinum-based combination chemotherapy. Subjects should have documented progressive disease while on platinum-based combination chemotherapy. If subjects discontinued platinum-based therapy due to reasons other than progressive disease, subjects should have completed at least 2 cycles of platinum-based combination chemotherapy before the commencement of documented progressive disease. Subjects will be treated with KN046 5 milligram per kilogram every 2 weeks.

Detailed Description:



Minimum Age: 18 Years


Sex: ALL

Healthy Volunteers: No


Shanghai Chest Hospital, Shanghai, Shanghai, China

Contact Details

Name: Xiaolong Fu, MD

Affiliation: Shanghai Chest Hospital


Useful links and downloads for this trial


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