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Brief Title: Use and Decision-making About Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Hispanic Men and Women
Official Title: Trial of Interventions to Increase Utilization of Colorectal Cancer Screening and Promote Informed Decision Making About Colorectal Cancer Screening Among Hispanic Men and Women
Study ID: NCT00136227
Brief Summary: During this first year, the researchers have worked toward identifying factors influencing initiation of colorectal cancer screening among Hispanic men and women aged 50 and older and developing an intervention plan using Intervention Mapping, a framework for systematic health promotion program planning, implementation, and evaluation. The researchers are also currently in the preliminary stages of developing two promotora (lay health worker)-delivered interventions: a small media intervention (video, flip chart, pamphlets) and a tailored interactive multimedia intervention, prior to the actual collection of data. Thus, although 733 subjects have been approved by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects to be enrolled in this study in the future, no subjects have been enrolled at this time. Consequently, there have been no adverse events, and since the risks associated with participating in this study are negligible, the researchers do not anticipate any adverse events in the future. No modifications have been made to the research since the last review, other than that the researchers are currently reassessing the need to conduct preliminary qualitative research as proposed in the original protocol.
Detailed Description: During this first year, the researchers have worked toward identifying factors influencing initiation of colorectal cancer screening among Hispanic men and women aged 50 and older and developing an intervention plan using Intervention Mapping, a framework for systematic health promotion program planning, implementation, and evaluation. The researchers are also currently in the preliminary stages of developing two promotora (lay health worker)-delivered interventions: a small media intervention (video, flip chart, pamphlets) and a tailored interactive multimedia intervention, prior to the actual collection of data. Thus, although 733 subjects have been approved by the Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects to be enrolled in this study in the future, no subjects have been enrolled at this time. Consequently, there have been no adverse events, and since the risks associated with participating in this study are negligible, the researchers do not anticipate any adverse events in the future. No modifications have been made to the research since the last review, other than that the researchers are currently reassessing the need to conduct preliminary qualitative research as proposed in the original protocol.
Minimum Age: 50 Years
Sex: ALL
Healthy Volunteers: Yes
University of Texas, Houston, Texas, United States
Name: Maria E. Fernandez, PhD
Affiliation: University of Texas at Houston