Spots Global Cancer Trial Database for chronic pain
Every month we try and update this database with for chronic pain cancer trials from around the world to help patients and their families find trials that might be right for them.
We offer this 100% free of charge and do not endorse any of the trials listed here, we hope it helps you or a loved one.
The following info and data is provided "as is" to help patients around the globe.
We do not endorse or review these studies in any way.
Study title | NCT ID | Conditions | Interventions | Eligibility | Organization | Link |
Decreasing Long-term Opioid Use in Cancer Survivors | NCT05067556 | Pain Chronic Pain Cancer Pain Survivorship | Acceptance and ... | 18 Years - | Virginia Commonwealth University | |
The Clinical Evaluation of Implantable Pump System For Safety And Delivery Accuracy In Patients Requiring Intrathecal Administration Of Morphine Sulfate For Chronic Pain | NCT01185470 | Cancers Chronic Pain | Implantation of... | 21 Years - | Medallion Therapeutics, Inc. | |
Test-retest and Experiences During Balance Assessment With the Mini-BESTest | NCT06244602 | Chronic Non-Can... | 18 Years - | Uppsala University | ||
Persistent Post-Surgical Pain in Women With BrCA | NCT02266082 | Breast Cancer Chronic Pain | No intervention | 40 Years - 75 Years | University of Florida | |
Pain Education Program Optimization (PEPO) Trial | NCT06174246 | Chronic Pain Musculoskeletal... | Pain self-manag... Additional supp... | 18 Years - 75 Years | Laval University | |
Prospective Study About Clinical and Pharmacogenetic Safety of Opioid Use for Chronic Pain | NCT00916890 | Chronic Pain | Morphine Oxycodone Fentanyl Buprenorphine | 18 Years - | IRCCS Policlinico S. Matteo | |
Safety and Tolerability of Egalet-002 in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Noncancer Pain | NCT02603705 | Moderate-to-sev... | Oxycodone exten... | 18 Years - 75 Years | Egalet Ltd | |
Identifying Biomarkers for Chronic Pain After Breast Cancer Treatment. | NCT05507034 | Neoplasm, Breas... Carcinoma Breas... Chronic Pain | Biomarkers | 25 Years - 65 Years | Universiteit Antwerpen | |
The Multi-Ethnic Lifestyle Study | NCT04256720 | Diabetes Mellit... Chronic Kidney ... Cardiovascular ... Obstructive Sle... Respiratory Dis... Cancer Stroke Chronic Pain Mental Health I... Healthy | No intervention | 18 Years - | University of Leicester | |
Donepezil for Oxaliplatin-induced Neuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy: Proof of Concept Study | NCT05254639 | Digestive Oncol... Supportive Care | DONEPEZIL PLACEBO | 18 Years - | University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand | |
Ketamine as Adjunctive Analgesic With Bupivacaine in Paravertebral Analgesia for Breast Cancer Surgery | NCT02462681 | Acute Pain Chronic Pain | paravertebral b... | 25 Years - 70 Years | Assiut University | |
The Efficacy of Tianeptine Versus Pregabalin on Acute and Chronic Post Mastectomy Pain After Breast Cancer Surgery. | NCT05935059 | Post-mastectomy... | Pregabalin Tianeptine | 18 Years - 60 Years | National Cancer Institute, Egypt | |
Fentanyl Transdermal Matrix Patch ZR-02-01 to Treat Moderate to Severe Cancer Pain | NCT00126789 | Pain Cancer | Fentanyl Transd... | 18 Years - 75 Years | ZARS Pharma Inc. | |
The Effectiveness of Mindfulness on Chronic Pain in Breast Cancer Survivors | NCT01674881 | Breast Cancer Chronic Pain | Mindfulness-Bas... Waitlist | 18 Years - | University of Aarhus | |
Screening Tool to Identify the Dominant Pain Mechanism in Cancer Survivors: PainsCan | NCT03981809 | Cancer Survivor... Cancer Pain | Diagnostic test... | 18 Years - | Universitaire Ziekenhuizen KU Leuven | |
Validation of the ASI-SR Form in a Population of Chronic Non-cancer Pain Patients | NCT04998734 | Chronic Pain Opioid-use Diso... Quality of Life Risk Reduction Assessment, Sel... | ASI-SR | 18 Years - 65 Years | Uppsala University | |
Pain, Nutrition and Glycemic Response in Chronic Low Back Pain and Breast Cancer Survivors | NCT04459104 | Chronic Pain | Low glycemic lo... High glycemic l... | 18 Years - 65 Years | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | |
Tramadol Hydrochnoride as Adjuvant to Local Anesthetic in Ultrasound Guided Erector Spinea Plane Block in Management of Chronic Chest Wall Cancer Pain | NCT04639154 | Chronic Pain Erector Spinea ... | Erector spinea ... | 18 Years - 70 Years | Assiut University | |
Innovation in the Treatment of Persistent Pain in Adults With NF1: Implementation of the iCanCope Mobile Application- Clinical Trial | NCT04561765 | Neurofibromatos... Chronic Pain | iCanCope iCanCope+Contin... | 18 Years - 72 Years | Yale University | |
Evaluation And Risk Assessment For Persistent Postsurgical Pain After Breast Surgery | NCT03408717 | Breast Cancer Chronic Pain Acute Pain Depression, Anx... | Questionnaires Mechanical Temp... Pain threshold ... | 21 Years - 80 Years | KK Women's and Children's Hospital | |
Hypnotherapy in Treating Chronic Pain in Cancer Survivors | NCT02637297 | Anxiety Cancer Survivor Chronic Pain Depression Sleep Disorder | Hypnotherapy Questionnaire A... | 18 Years - | Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center | |
The Influence of TAP Block in the Control of Postoperative Pain After Laparotomy for Gynecological Procedures | NCT04172272 | Leiomyoma Pelvic Organ Pr... Abnormal Uterin... Chronic Pain Premalignant Le... Endometriosis | Systemic multim... Transversus abd... Combined transv... | 18 Years - | General Hospital Pula | |
Neurosensorial Disorder and Pain in Oral Cavity and Oropharynx Cancer Traited Patients (OCAPA) | NCT04673981 | Head Cancer Neck Cancer Chronic Pain | diagnostic tes ... | 18 Years - | University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand | |
Postoperative Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Management of Post-amputation Pain | NCT03484429 | Phantom Limb Pa... Postoperative P... Neuroma Acute Pain Chronic Pain Residual Limbs Amputation | Peripheral nerv... Standard Medica... | 18 Years - | Hunter Holmes Mcguire Veteran Affairs Medical Center | |
Cannabis Oil for Pain Effectiveness | NCT03522467 | Cancer Chronic Pain | MRCP001 | 25 Years - 70 Years | Aurora Cannabis Inc | |
Co-creation of Pain Science Education for Children Living Beyond Cancer | NCT06345391 | Children Living... | Co-creation Concept Mapping | 8 Years - 12 Years | Vrije Universiteit Brussel | |
The Clinical Evaluation of Implantable Pump System For Safety And Delivery Accuracy In Patients Requiring Intrathecal Administration Of Morphine Sulfate For Chronic Pain | NCT01185470 | Cancers Chronic Pain | Implantation of... | 21 Years - | Medallion Therapeutics, Inc. | |
Patients Referred to the Chronic Pain Unit for Palliative Treatment With Ozone Therapy Between 2022 and 2025 | NCT05417737 | Radiation Toxic... Chemotherapeuti... Chemotherapy-in... Delayed Wound H... Chronic Pain Refractory Pain | Ozone therapy | 18 Years - | Dr. Negrin University Hospital | |
Prospective Evaluation of Intrathecal Targeted Drug Delivery for Cancer Associated Pain | NCT05674240 | Cancer Pain Chronic Pain Cancer Associat... Neuropathic Pai... | Intrathecal Tar... Conservative me... | 21 Years - | Aurora Health Care | |
Oxymorphone Extended Release in Patients With Cancer or Neuropathic Pain | NCT00911261 | Chronic Pain Neuropathic Pai... Cancer | Oxymorphone Ext... | 18 Years - | Endo Pharmaceuticals | |
Ultra-low Dose Oral Ketamine for Chronic Pain in the Primary Care Setting | NCT02303847 | Chronic Pain | Ketamine | 18 Years - | University of Washington | |
Can Chronic Post-surgical Pain be Reduced by Preserving Intercostobrachial Nerve During Axillary Lymph Node Dissection? : A Randomized Controlled Trial | NCT05198622 | Breast Cancer Chronic Pain Intercostobrach... | Intercostobrach... Intercostobrach... | 18 Years - | Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Centre | |
The Effect of Ultrasonography-guided Fascial Plane Blocks in Breast Cancer Surgery Patients | NCT06419504 | Breast Cancer | SAP block group PECS II block g... ESP block group Control group | 18 Years - 65 Years | Antalya Training and Research Hospital | |
US-Guided Serratus Anterior Plane Block Versus Thoracic Epidural in Patients Undergoing Thoracotomy | NCT05672394 | Lung Cancer Acute Pain Chronic Pain | Continuous Serr... Thoracic Epidur... Bupivacaine lidocaine with ... | 18 Years - 65 Years | National Cancer Institute, Egypt | |
Cannabis Oil for Pain Effectiveness | NCT03522467 | Cancer Chronic Pain | MRCP001 | 25 Years - 70 Years | Aurora Cannabis Inc | |
Pectoral Nerve Block II and Erector Spine Plane Block in Breast Cancer Surgery | NCT04135157 | Anesthesia Analgesia Acute Pain Chronic Pain Pectoralis Nerv... Erector Spine P... Patient Control... | Pectoralis nerv... Erector spine p... Control | 18 Years - 65 Years | Ondokuz Mayıs University | |
Fentanyl Transdermal Matrix Patch ZR-02-01 to Treat Moderate to Severe Cancer Pain | NCT00126789 | Pain Cancer | Fentanyl Transd... | 18 Years - 75 Years | ZARS Pharma Inc. | |
Prospective Multicentre Study of the Use of Ketamine in the Treatment of Refractory Chronic Pain in the French CLCC | NCT04459234 | Cancer Chronic Pain Neuropathic Pai... Opioid Use | Ketamine use in... | 18 Years - | Centre Leon Berard | |
Serratus Plane Block in Preventing Postoperative Pain of Mastectomy | NCT03615430 | Serratus Plane ... Chronic Pain Breast Cancer | serratus plane ... serratus plane ... | 18 Years - 85 Years | First Affiliated Hospital, Sun Yat-Sen University | |
Medical Cannabis Against Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain: a Mixed Methods Study. | NCT05210660 | Musculoskeletal... Cannabis Use | 18 Years - | CHU de Quebec-Universite Laval | ||
Pectoral Nerve Block II and Erector Spine Plane Block in Breast Cancer Surgery | NCT04135157 | Anesthesia Analgesia Acute Pain Chronic Pain Pectoralis Nerv... Erector Spine P... Patient Control... | Pectoralis nerv... Erector spine p... Control | 18 Years - 65 Years | Ondokuz Mayıs University | |
Validation of the ASI-SR Form in a Population of Chronic Non-cancer Pain Patients | NCT04998734 | Chronic Pain Opioid-use Diso... Quality of Life Risk Reduction Assessment, Sel... | ASI-SR | 18 Years - 65 Years | Uppsala University | |
Predicting Chronic Pain Following Breast Surgery | NCT04967352 | Chronic Pain Opioid Use Breast Pain Breast Cancer | 18 Years - | University of California, San Diego | ||
The Effect of an Inter-Disciplinary Program, Including MBSR, in Breast Cancer Survivors With Chronic Neuropathic Pain | NCT02125006 | Breast Cancer Painful Neuropa... Chronic Pain Worries; Pain o... Quality of Life | Mindfulness-Bas... | 18 Years - | Ottawa Hospital Research Institute | |
Accurate Diagnosis System for Postoperative Chronic Pain Based on fMRI | NCT03022864 | Chronic Pain Mammary Cancer | 18 Years - 65 Years | RenJi Hospital | ||
Safety and Tolerability of Long-Term Administration of Hydromorphone HCI CR (Controlled Release) | NCT00410748 | Pain Analgesics, Opi... | OROS hydromorph... | 18 Years - | Alza Corporation, DE, USA | |
Neurosensorial Disorder and Pain in Oral Cavity and Oropharynx Cancer Traited Patients (OCAPA) | NCT04673981 | Head Cancer Neck Cancer Chronic Pain | diagnostic tes ... | 18 Years - | University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand | |
Prescription Opioid Misuse Assessment | NCT03195374 | Chronic Pain | Prescription Op... | 18 Years - 100 Years | University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand | |
The Effect of Ultrasonography-guided Fascial Plane Blocks in Breast Cancer Surgery Patients | NCT06419504 | Breast Cancer | SAP block group PECS II block g... ESP block group Control group | 18 Years - 65 Years | Antalya Training and Research Hospital | |
Feasibility Study of an Online Self-management Program for Chronic Non-cancer Pain | NCT05319652 | Chronic Pain | Pain self-manag... | 18 Years - | CHU de Quebec-Universite Laval | |
Postoperative Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Management of Post-amputation Pain | NCT03484429 | Phantom Limb Pa... Postoperative P... Neuroma Acute Pain Chronic Pain Residual Limbs Amputation | Peripheral nerv... Standard Medica... | 18 Years - | Hunter Holmes Mcguire Veteran Affairs Medical Center | |
Effect and Safety of Listening to Music for Chronic Pain Relief | NCT05726266 | Chronic Pain | Music Audiobook | 18 Years - | Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge | |
The Effectiveness and Tolerability of Fentanyl Matrix in Chronic Non-cancer Pain; Assessment of Patient's Pain Treatment Goal Achievement | NCT01688583 | Chronic Pain | Fentanyl matrix | 20 Years - | Janssen Korea, Ltd., Korea | |
Donepezil for Oxaliplatin-induced Neuropathy Peripheral Neuropathy: Proof of Concept Study | NCT05254639 | Digestive Oncol... Supportive Care | DONEPEZIL PLACEBO | 18 Years - | University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand | |
Effectiveness of Coping Strategies on the Control of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain and Quality of Life (CNCP_CopQol) | NCT04696107 | Chronic Pain Musculoskeletal... Quality of Life Pain Measuremen... | Psychoeducative... | 18 Years - | Hospital San Juan de Dios del Aljarafe de Sevilla | |
Immersive Multimedia as an Adjunctive Measure for Pain Control in Cancer Patients | NCT02995434 | Chronic Pain Cancer | Virtual Reality... 2D PC | 16 Years - | University of British Columbia | |
The Impact of Pecs Blocks on Postmastectomy Pain Syndrome | NCT04586751 | Pain Syndrome Pain, Postopera... Chronic Pain Breast Cancer Breast Soft Tis... Breast Neoplasm... Breast Cancer F... Breast Pain Anesthesia | Pecs block no Pecs block | 20 Years - 85 Years | Aretaieion University Hospital | |
Evaluation of a Patient-Centred, Multidisciplinary Opioid Tapering Program for Individuals With Chronic Non-Cancer Pain on Long Term Opioid Therapy | NCT04902547 | Opioid Use Opioids; Harmfu... Hyperalgesia Pain, Chronic | Patient Educati... Multidisciplina... | 18 Years - | University of Manitoba | |
Slow Opioid Tapering Pilot Study of Patients Using Chronic Opioid Therapy | NCT05297396 | Chronic Pain Opioid Use | Slow Tapering o... | 18 Years - | Mayo Clinic | |
MIRs03: Paravertebral Block With Ropivacaine Before Breast Cancer Surgery | NCT02408393 | Malignant Neopl... | Saline Ropivacaine | 18 Years - 85 Years | Institut Curie | |
Rhomboid Intercostal Plane Block on Chronic Pain Incidence and Acute Pain Scores After Mastectomy | NCT06019325 | Breast Cancer Postoperative P... Postoperative P... Neuropathic Pai... | RIB | 18 Years - 70 Years | Muğla Sıtkı Koçman University | |
Intrathecal Therapy for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain: An Analysis of Its Efficacy | NCT01564069 | Chronic Pain | 18 Years - | Brigham and Women's Hospital | ||
Intercostal Cryoanalgesia for Chronic Pain After VATS Lung Resection | NCT05884099 | Cryotherapy Eff... Chronic Pain Lung Cancer Surgery | Cryoanalgesia A... Single-injectio... | 18 Years - | Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal (CHUM) | |
Frequency and Presentations of Chronic Pain Following Breast Cancer Surgery: An Observational Study in a Tertiary Care Hospital of Pakistan | NCT03961269 | Breast Cancer F... Chronic Pain | 30 Years - 75 Years | Aga Khan University | ||
Mindfulness-oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) for Cancer Pain Relief | NCT05877521 | Chronic Pain Cancer Pain | MORE treatments Standard of Car... | 18 Years - | Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center | |
Pillars4Life Trial | NCT02465892 | Breast Cancer Lung Cancer Esophageal Canc... Colon Cancer Pancreatic Canc... Liver Cancer Renal Cancer Bladder Cancer Prostate Cancer Ovarian Cancer Cervical Cancer Uterine Cancer | Pillars4Life | 18 Years - | Duke University | |
Post-operative Thoracic Epidural Analgesia and Incidence of Major Complications: a Large Retrospective Dual Center Experi-ence | NCT05909007 | Neuropathic Pai... Chronic Pain Thoracic Cancer | thoracic epidur... | 20 Years - 80 Years | AHEPA University Hospital | |
Analgesia and Wound Healing Assessment Following Topical Morphine Applied to Patients With Cutaneous Cancer Related Pain | NCT00306020 | Ulcer Wounds and Inju... | topical morphin... | 18 Years - 75 Years | Soroka University Medical Center | |
Safety and Tolerability of Long-Term Administration of Hydromorphone HCI CR (Controlled Release) | NCT00410748 | Pain Analgesics, Opi... | OROS hydromorph... | 18 Years - | Alza Corporation, DE, USA | |
The Internet Therapy for Depression Trial | NCT04009135 | Chronic Pain Major Depressiv... | internet delive... online delivere... Attention Contr... | 18 Years - 80 Years | Memorial University of Newfoundland | |
Improving Outcomes and Lowering Costs by Integration of Primary Care Providers and Pain Medicine Physicians for Pain Pts | NCT02484937 | Back Pain Chronic Pain Pain, Intractab... | Group 2 (PCP Tr... Group 1 (PMS Tr... | 18 Years - | Rush University Medical Center | |
AIMS Medical Outcomes Study | NCT04512755 | Mental Health I... PTSD Pain Chronic Pain Chronic Disease | - | Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute | ||
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Chronic Pain in Cancer Survivors | NCT03661840 | Chronic Pain | Acceptance and ... Treatment as Us... | 18 Years - 100 Years | University of Colorado, Denver | |
Persistent Pain After Reconstruction Following Mastectomy | NCT01738048 | Breast Cancer Chronic Pain | Reconstruction | 18 Years - 70 Years | Rigshospitalet, Denmark | |
Prometra Post-Approval Study | NCT01854229 | Chronic Pain Cancer Pain Intractable Pai... Back Pain | Prometra Progra... | 22 Years - | Flowonix Medical | |
Botulinum Toxin A as Treatment for Chronic Postsurgical Pain Following Lung Cancer Surgery | NCT04585620 | Chronic Pain Post-thoracotom... Pain, Neuropath... Pain, Postopera... | Onabotulinum To... Normal saline | 18 Years - | Aalborg University Hospital | |
A Comparison of Morphine and Morphine Plus Dexmedetomidine in Chronic Cancer Pain | NCT02289261 | Chronic Pain | Morphine Morphine plus d... | 20 Years - 80 Years | Cukurova University | |
Safety and Tolerability of Egalet-002 in Patients With Moderate-to-Severe Chronic Noncancer Pain | NCT02603705 | Moderate-to-sev... | Oxycodone exten... | 18 Years - 75 Years | Egalet Ltd | |
Screening Trial for Pain Relief in Schwannomatosis (STARFISH) | NCT05684692 | Schwannomatosis Schwannomas Pain, Chronic | Siltuximab Erenumab-Aooe Siltuximab Matc... Erenumab-Aooe M... | 18 Years - | Massachusetts General Hospital | |
AIMS Medical Outcomes Study | NCT04512755 | Mental Health I... PTSD Pain Chronic Pain Chronic Disease | - | Advanced Integrative Medical Science Institute |